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Design Studio 2

Initial Reflections

Reflecting on the Design Studio 2 sessions, my conversations with Guillem and Jana have been quite insightful and have significantly shaped my approach to the thesis project. Their positive feedback on the design dialogues approach has been encouraging, but it’s the discussion about the thesis project that has really got me thinking.

Jana’s suggestion to re-analyze my design space was particularly impactful. It made me realize that while I’m keen on using the methodological framework I initially planned, I need to narrow down and define the subject of my project more clearly. So far, I’ve been oscillating between three areas: Music Creation, Heat as an Inescapable Experience, and Systemic Transportation Analysis.

The topic of ‘Heat’ has already been explored in our Fair Futures project, which makes me wonder if revisiting it might be redundant or if there’s a new angle I can approach it from. As for Systemic Transportation, I’m already delving into it with my entry for the AI for the Built Environment. This leaves Music Creation, a field that excites me but also leaves me questioning its long-term viability as a project I can continue post-master.

Deciding on the subject is crucial because I want my thesis to be more than just an academic exercise; I envision it as a project that I can develop and grow even after the master’s program. Music Creation, while intriguing, needs to be weighed against my long-term goals and interests. Can it evolve into something sustainable and engaging in the long run? Will it allow me to apply and expand the methodological framework I’m interested in?

Final Term 2 Reflection

Following up on those initial reflections and the journey since then, my path has taken a more defined shape, leading me to the conception of PreferableFutures: Mobility. This evolution wasn’t just a leap but a series of insightful steps, heavily influenced by conversations and collaborative efforts.

Chris’s perspective was invaluable; he helped me focus on the essence of what I’m trying to achieve. Our discussions honed in on the transformative power of visualization in understanding and shaping future mobility scenarios. Chris’s knack for distilling complex ideas into actionable insights played a crucial role in narrowing down my focus to mobility, a field ripe for innovation and impact. It was through these talks that I began to see the vast potential in applying strategic foresight and immersive technologies to envision future states of mobility.

Working with Sophie for the Design Dialogues presentation was another pivotal moment. Together, we embarked on a creative endeavor to visualize future visions, employing 360 photos edited with AI. This collaboration not only enriched my understanding of the power of visualization but also solidified my belief in the project’s direction. Sophie’s expertise and imaginative approach were instrumental in bringing these visions to life, allowing us to present immersive future scenarios that captivated our audience. This experience underscored the importance of strategic foresight in mapping out the possible futures of urban mobility and the role of immersive tech in making these futures tangible and relatable.

These collaborative efforts were more than just productive; they were transformative. They helped me realize that PreferableFutures: Mobility isn’t just a thesis project; it’s a vision for the future, a blueprint for how we might navigate and shape the mobility landscapes of tomorrow. The process of creating and presenting these future visions was not only pivotal for my understanding but also a testament to the project’s potential to engage and inspire broader conversations about the future of mobility.

Reflecting on this journey, it’s clear that the path to PreferableFutures: Mobility has been a collective one, shaped by meaningful dialogues, shared visions, and the merging of diverse skill sets. The project now stands as a testament to the power of collaborative exploration and the potential of technology to not just envision but actively shape preferable futures.

As I look forward, the work done so far is just the beginning. The insights from Chris and the creative synergy with Sophie have laid a solid foundation for what’s to come. PreferableFutures: Mobility is poised to dive deeper into the exploration of how we can use AI and immersive technologies not just as tools, but as catalysts for envisioning and creating a future where mobility is more than movement—it’s a pathway to connection, sustainability, and innovation.

In this next phase, I’m excited to expand on these initial explorations, to refine our visions, and to start turning these possibilities into realities. The journey from those first Design Studio 2 sessions to here has been one of narrowing focus, expanding vision, and deepening commitment. PreferableFutures: Mobility is more than a project; it’s a mission to reimagine how we connect with each other and the world around us.

Last update: June 22, 2024