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Intro to BioMaterials

Looking back at the Intro to Biomaterials class, I really got a lot out of it. Petra did an awesome job walking us through the world of biomaterials. It wasn’t just a lecture; we got hands-on with stuff like Agar agar, Sodium Alginate, Gelatin, and Glycerin. And yeah, we actually cooked up some sodium alginate biomaterial right there in class, which was pretty neat.

So, here’s the deal with the biomaterials we looked at:

Agar Agar: This stuff is plant-based and comes from seaweed. It’s cool because it gels up at room temperature and doesn’t need much to set.

Sodium Alginate: This is another one from seaweed. We actually mixed it with calcium chloride to make it gel. That was the stuff we cooked in class. It was wild to see how it transformed.

Gelatin: Everyone knows gelatin, right? It’s animal-based and great for making gels. It melts when heated and sets when cool.

Glycerin: Glycerin is a kind of liquid that’s used to make things more flexible. It’s often added to food and cosmetics.

And here’s the cool part – Oliver and I are experimenting with gelatin and glycerin to make an inflatable material. We’re thinking it could be used for biodegradable drone delivery protection. Imagine that – you get your package, and then you can just dissolve the protective material with warm water. No waste, no fuss.

This class has really opened my eyes to the potential of biomaterials. It’s not just about learning what these substances are, but about getting creative with how we use them. In a world where we’re all thinking about sustainability and reducing waste, this kind of knowledge is super important.

Last update: June 22, 2024