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Designing with Extended Intelligences

Community Engagement and Collaboration

The seminar, with Chris Ernst and Pietro Rustici was a collaborative effort, working alongside Panchi and Dhrishya, exploring the potential of AI in a tangible manner. We dabbled with tools like Dottod camera and ModMatrix, which opened up discussions about the possibilities and implications of AI in designing urban spaces. This experience was enriched by the diverse communities I’m part of, from local urbanism forums to immersive tech enthusiasts, all contributing unique perspectives that have shaped my project’s direction.

The Process

This journey through AI, urban planning, and ethical considerations has been illuminating. From generating images based on prompts to debating the ethical implications of AI in society, the seminar covered a lot of ground. These discussions and hands-on experiences have significantly influenced my approach, especially in how we envision applying AI to urban planning projects.

One of the most valuable takeaways was understanding the power of rapid prototyping with AI without needing a deep technical background. This insight is particularly relevant as I continue to explore AI’s role in my project, potentially moving away from tools like ModMatrix to more direct AI integrations that suit the project’s needs.

Ethical Considerations and Forward Thinking

The seminar wasn’t just about exploring AI’s capabilities; it was also a deep dive into the ethical landscape surrounding AI use. Discussions around intellectual property and the authenticity of AI-generated content have prompted a reevaluation of my project’s direction. These ethical considerations are shaping how AI will be responsibly integrated into the project, ensuring that the technologies we use are aligned with values like transparency and inclusivity.

Moving Towards Collaborative Urban Planning

Reflecting on this seminar, it’s clear that AI offers a unique opportunity to rethink how we engage communities in urban planning. The goal isn’t just to use AI for the sake of technology but to leverage it in a way that brings people together to co-create better urban environments. This approach, grounded in ethical considerations and a commitment to inclusive design, is what I envision for the future of urban planning.

This seminar has been a stepping stone, pushing me to think more critically about the role of AI in urban planning and how it can be used to foster a more engaged and informed citizenry. As I move forward, these lessons will serve as a foundation for developing a project that not only leverages AI but does so in a way that encourages active participation and collaboration in shaping our urban spaces.

Here are some of the results we got while playing with Dottod camera, Modmadtrix, and Vizcom:

Last update: June 22, 2024