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Extended Bodies

In Module 5 of our digital prototyping class, we built upon the knowledge and technologies from Module 4. Working independently, I explored using a flexible sensor to create a musical controller that generated audiovisual outputs based on pressure inputs. By using Wekinator and Max/MSP, I developed a system where the pressure detected by the sensor influenced dynamic musical and visual experiences.

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For this project, I used the flexible sensor made in Module 4, constructed from conductive fabric, felt, and conductive tape. The aim was to detect pressure changes and translate them into musical outputs. The sensor was connected to a Barduino board, and I trained a machine learning model in Wekinator to process the pressure data. The model’s output values, based on the pressure applied, were then sent to Max/MSP via OSC messaging. In Max/MSP, these values controlled various musical parameters such as volume, pitch, and effects, creating a responsive and interactive musical controller.


Working on this project alone was both challenging and rewarding. I felt a sense of satisfaction when I successfully integrated the flexible sensor with Wekinator and Max/MSP. Although there were some difficulties with sensor calibration and data transmission, solving these issues was fulfilling. Seeing the system respond to pressure inputs by altering musical parameters and generating corresponding visual effects was particularly gratifying.

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This project highlighted the importance of iterative testing and calibration in developing functional prototypes. I learned how to effectively use Wekinator to train machine learning models and Max/MSP for creating audiovisual outputs. This experience also demonstrated the versatility of flexible sensors and their potential applications in interactive media and music technology.


In future projects, I plan to further explore the use of flexible sensors with machine learning and audiovisual systems. Ensuring precise calibration and robust data collection will be crucial. I am looking forward to experimenting with more complex sensor configurations and developing interactive installations that respond to different environmental inputs. The skills gained from this project will be useful in future explorations of sensor technology and digital prototyping.

Project Summary

In this module, we used a system using a flexible pressure sensor as a musical controller. By training a machine learning model in Wekinator and using Max/MSP to process the data, I created an interactive experience where pressure inputs influenced musical parameters and generated corresponding visual effects, showcasing the potential of flexible sensors in digital design.

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Last update: June 22, 2024